some observations: male metalheads have very feminine faces. i think they're trying to hide behind facial hair or long hair or a tough attitude. maybe they got into metal as an over-compensation for their femininity.
regarding mosh pits: there's always one or two guys that either have no idea how big they are or have no control over how hard they run into people. there are always one or two young women at the edge of the mosh pit flailing around as if to say "look at me! i'm moshing!"...but they aren't. perhaps the most mind blowing question of the nite came up while watching people circle the mosh pit counter-clockwise from my comfy seat in the balcony. Do circle pits circle the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
The first band of the nite was Toxic Holocaust. Personally, I think they would have been better as an instrumental band as I was unimpressed with the vocals. The highlight of their set was a couple songs in which local dancer Malice appeared. Toxic Holocaust are touring nationally with the other bands. They do, however, happen to be from Portland.
Next was Kingdom Of Sorrow. They are a "supergroup"/side project for musicians of other well-known bands. I was most excited to see the guitarist from Danzig and Type O Negative. I'd actually heard of them.
Then was the great GWAR! As expected, the music wasn't my cup of tea. The show, however, was impressive. So entertaining, in fact, that I hardly even heard the music. There was LOTS of blood. And of course, the costumes were out of this world. All in all, a good time at the Roseland Theater.

Vic Chesnutt
We've had several dry days and I was finally able to seal the fence I put up way back when. Also, on my way to the concert, I got into my first big city fender bender. Actually, less than a fender bender. Traffic was backed up on 11th trying to turn left onto Burnside. Cars were pretty much bumper to bumper. The BMW in front of me decided it was gonna back up a little and pull into the open right lane. I layed on my horn and the driver stopped having just barely tapped my front bumper. It was too minor and traffic was too busy to worry about it and we each continued on our own way. What's the opposite of a rear end collision? No matter. I left more of a mark on his car than he did mine.
I left the house a bit early and had a good opportunity to check out the east side. After parking by the Doug Fir Lounge, I called Jon to ask him for suggestions on what to do in the neighborhood. After asking what I was wearing, he suggested the helicopter man bar. I can't remember its name. I asked Jon a few times what it was called, but I still couldn't remember. And it's unmarked on the outside except for a helicopter man painted on the outside. It was dark and trendy - not something I expected for the east side (Doug Fir Lounge being an exception). I took a seat at the end of the bar and had myself a white russian. It was yummy.
After the helicopter bar, I stopped in Rock-n-Rose. It was a good place for a break because my hands were freezing after all that walking and the heater was turned way up in the store. Rock-n-Rose is quite well-known and I have a friend who has taken photos in and around the store, but I had no idea where it was until I stumbled across it walking down Burnside. It is a vintage clothing store, not a second-hand clothing store. Sure most of their stock is previously worn, but their stuff is primo with shirts going for as much as $30 or more.
With an hour and a half until the doors opened for the concert, I dropped by Union Jack's (adult link), which is just one block from Doug Fir, to see what all the fuss was about. Masonious Max makes fun of Union Jack's every time he performs at Sinferno. The furnishings were nice, but it was otherwise trashy. When I first came in, I sat at a table on the far side of the bar. While studying the bar menu, "Judy" approached me. I asked if she had any recommendations. She raved over that nite's special, some sort of crepe dish, and also recommended the pizza. Then asked me if I was interested in a private dance, which I declined.
Having decided, I approached the bar and ordered the chicken strips and a water. Let's tally up.
-Chicken Strips + Fries: $6.50
-Bottle of Water: $2.00
-Tip: $1.00 (only because the bartender stood over me after giving my change)
Total: $9.50
Nearly an hour later, and just in time for the Doug Fir's doors to open, I had my food. Lightening quick and record time considering I was probably the only food order in the entire bar.
While I ate, the music suddenly stopped and one of the dancers began yelling at the dancer on stage. Something about how it was her turn and the other one shouldn't have been on stage. And the other yelling about how no one was on stage for an entire song and she was asked by someone else to go on. Those few moments will forever live among the top 5 trashiest things I have witnessed. Speaking of "trashy"...I was also enlightened as I discovered that #1 Crush by Garbage is the ultimate stripper song.
After quickly eating my salty fries and chicken strips and chugging my $2.00 bottle of water, I bolted for the Doug Fir. I was early enough to snag my cozy corner seat that I like. As often happens, a nice couple joined me at my table. My cozy corner can be a hot spot. Throughout the evening, I was asked to watch 2 purses and 5 drinks (maybe more). Additionally, I was offered a drink twice. I still said no and I still wonder what happens someday when I say yes.
The first band was local group Run On Sentence. My eyes just about fell out of my head when I realized that I know someone in that band. I had no idea. As I was seated by the green room entrance, I had a chance to chat with him for a moment about the venue and Vic Chesnutt.
Next was Elf Power. They were good. At the end of their set, they announced that they would join Vic Chesnutt on stage after a break. I was expecting Vic to perform solo or maybe with a couple other musicians. Hearing him perform with a full band was a treat. Vic is a wonderful and funny showman. He is a little shy, though, asking a couple times for people to put away their cell phones so they would not photograph him. I was seated behind him and was able to freely photograph without interrupting the performance. It amazes me how easily Vic can bring people to tears. His music and voice are beautiful. If you are unfamiliar with Vic Chesnutt, he was partially paralyzed in a car accident as a teenager and performs from a wheelchair. [you must click for a great video performance on NPR]
The show ended at 1:30a. There were originally two concerts scheduled for that evening. The early show, featuring an unrelated performer, was canceled, but Vic Chesnutt's late show remained scheduled for a 10:00p start time. That's why it went so late.

Shaun and I put in the last of the windows. These ones are downstairs and are the only source of daylight in my mancave. It took most of our daylight hours, but they're all done except for some molding and a little paint.
A strange nite to say the least. For starters, the Pearl was totally dead when I pulled into town. Easy parking with empty spots all along the North Park Blocks all the way up to Burnside. It made me wonder what was or wasn't going on in town that nite. I even looked at my phone to double check the date and time as I briefly entertained the thought that I was there on the wrong day. Yeah, it was that strange.
The security guy at Dante's door recognized me. I kinda wondered if I could get away with not showing my ID, but I didn't try. Honestly, though, I don't think he really looked at it. Makes me feel like a regular...which I am. I wasn't made to show my ID at the helicopter bar the previous nite and that was a little offensive. I guess it's all relative.
I arrived a little later than usual as I didn't have a huge interest in seeing the opening band, Orange Tulip Conspiracy. All of the tables were occupied. However, there was a young man alone occupying the table front and center, so I joined him. It turns out that Orange Tulip Conspiracy were really good. I can recommend them to you if you're looking for something kinda jazzy.
The crowd was a little odd too. They did not receive Blaze as wall as usual and cheered heartily for Safire and especially Cricket, who has been met by a cold crowd at times, confused by her unconventional style.
One week after reporting recent calm crowds with few run-ins with security...some dick hassles one of the girls, not once, but twice! I got the inside scoop at the end of the show, but won't discuss it here. Just weird really, how someone can approach a person who's working her ass off to entertain and still decide he's gonna give her a hard time. t(-_-t)
I didn't encounter any strange people in the restroom this time, though my nose did pick up on something kinda "wacky" in there...probably something green...and leafy.
Finally, I can't be 100% certain because I didn't stop, but I'm pretty sure I was approached by a hooker while walking back to my car. A strange place for it, maybe. On the street corner on Burnside. Though located between Cabaret Lounge and Mary's Club (adult link), it's something I would have expected more from Old Town Chinatown (which, really is just a couple blocks away anyway). So, what happened was I was walking confidently and happily back to my car. A woman in a long, warm coat was standing at the corner looking like she was going to cross. But when the light changed, she didn't (besides, if you're gonna cross the street at 2:30a, you just do it. there are no cars). As I approach her she says to me with bedroom eyes, "Look at those legs!" All I could say was "Yup" and keep on walking. Whatever.
That's about all I remember. Like I said, it's been a little while. Very exciting (and exhausting) weekend. Not much doing this week. Another Cynthia are playing at Doug Fir this Friday and I'm watching Shaun's dogs next weekend before heading to the Burg for the holiday.
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