Appropriately, the first event of my ten year high school reunion was at Ten Down. I got there first (how embarrassing...haha) as I was in town early to pass Gru on to his daddy. When the second person arrived, she couldn't remember my name. I hate that. At least she remembered after I said my first name.
Fast forward to the important people. Courtney, Holly, and Dave were there. Ironically, I spent the most time talking to Dave, who was not in my graduating class but a friend anyway from high school and college. There was lots of "Hi. What's your name? What are you up to?" A few of us grew tired of the routine and realizing that Vince was not going to show up, we headed to Applebee's where we could continue our conversation in a more intimate setting. I ate boneless chicken wings, shrimp, and key lime pie. Then we went to Holly and Dave's house for a movie. Death At A Funeral is brilliant and well worth watching.
I stopped at the station and talked to Mike while he worked on the car wash. And now I'm back at my parents' place. Tomorrow is gonna be a tour of the high school, which underwent major renovation (as in entire buildings demolished) after graduation. In the evening is going to be dinner at the country club, though I'll likely just meet Vince at Abby's Legendary Pizza for some grub. Pizza...Dante's famous pizza sounds good about now.
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