10 Year High School Reunion
Day 2:
I got up, drove to town, and had nachos. They were delicious. A group of 15-ish of us toured the high school. Deluxe! Friends in attendance were Vince and his wife and Shane. After the 45 minute tour, I arranged to meet Vince at DQ in Sutherlin as his wife had a hair appointment in Sutherlin. Vince was able to reach Ryan who joined us along with his fiancee. I think this might have been the first time I met her. She's really nice (read: I approve, Ryan).
We didn't eat anything at DQ, but instead decided to go across town to a coffee shop...which was closed. We did, however, have the pleasure of seeing a bunch of classic cars that were in town for the Blackberry Festival. We decided to drive into Roseburg to My Coffee. I was riding with Vince and intended to pick up my car before we left for Roseburg, but we were so busy talking that he drove onto the freeway and we were well on our way before we realized we had left my car behind. We decided I would get my car later and continued to My Coffee where we met Ryan and Tiffany. I had a raspberry italian soda as I don't drink much coffee. It was yummy and perfect for another blistering day. After talking a while, Dave called to let me know that he and Holly were available. They met us at My Coffee at which time I ordered a second italian soda, blackberry this time.

Eventually, the time came to pick up Vince's wife from Sutherlin and for me to pick up my car from DQ...and for Ryan and Tiffany to go to dinner at the country club. So we moved the party to Abby's for some pizza, spuds, and more silly conversation. If you've lost track, it was Holly, Dave, Vince, Christy, and I. And if you've lost track of me and my car, I went Roseburg>Sutherlin>Roseburg>Sutherlin>Roseburg. Very efficient. After dinner, we gave Holly and Dave a head start to their house so they could clean up before we joined them. There, we talked lots and played Rock Band. I had never played Rock Band before, but it was as fun as I had heard. I'm holding out for Guitar Hero World Tour, though. Eventually, Ryan and Tiffany finished at the country club and joined us. We looked through some yearbooks and tried to call Jon, but he's ignoring us this weekend. Now I'm back at my parents' house. It was a solid day running 2:00p-12:30a.
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