Well, here I am on a sunny summer day. I'm eating lunch in Shaun's backyard with the dogs at my side. I've got curry red lentil soup with spinach, a plate full of watermelon, and a cold Mike's. And so...I reflect.
I went to two concerts on Saturday. The first was in James Low's backyard in Portland. I was alerted just the day before that El May (Lara Meyerratken) was to perform. She has performed and recorded with a number of well-known artists including Ben Lee, whom I've seen perform some fifteen times or so. Lara was the third of four performers. I skipped out on James Low's set because I didn't know what time Another Cynthia was scheduled to play at the Doug Fir.

I say two for the price of none because I didn't pay to attend either concert. The first show was supposed to be a suggested donation of $5-10. However, my wallet was light and I wanted to be sure to buy El May's EP Sound The Key Note. After purchasing the CD for a mere $5, I left forgetting to drop a few bucks in the jar out front. Secondly, the Another Cynthia show at the Doug Fir was free.

It turns out Another Cynthia was scheduled to go on last of four bands (12:00a-1:00a) and I would have had time to watch the James Low at the first concert. Not to worry, though. I really enjoyed a couple of the bands that preceded. They are also local bands called Oh Darling and New York Rifles. I enjoyed New York Rifles so much that I went home and bought their album Faraway Faster online. It's a 2005 release and I'm betting that some of the songs I heard were written since then, but it's still nice to pick up some good new music and support a local band.
Another Cynthia is a six-piece band. All guys. And I'd estimate, in the most confident way while maintaining my heterosexuality, that they are all pretty good looking. What that means is that I tend to be surrounded by a horde of squealing twenty-something year old women as the only guy standing up front near the stage while they perform...which is fine by me. Especially, when one of the women sure to be front and center next to me is lead singer Ian Mackintosh's girlfriend, who happens to be cute as a button!...and I'm sure she knows it too.
Until the time that Another Cynthia was setting up their gear, I stood near the merch booth and no one was ever there representing the band. When I got home, I sent them a message on myspace volunteering to man their merch booth at their Portland gigs. Next one is August 27 at Berbati's and as of now, I am scheduled to work their merch booth selling CDs and maybe t-shirts. I'm not sure if they still have t-shirts left. We'll find out. It's nice to support local bands. Actually, I had seen one of their lead singers perform in Roseburg 10+ years ago, so I kinda have an attachment.
Sunday came next, as it tends to do at the conclusion of Saturday. Having finished painting my bedroom, I helped Shaun and his wife, Ellen, assemble a crib and changing table. I also got to help unpackage miscellaneous baby things and set up the nursery. Later, we went to Fred Meyer stopping first at Bubble Bubble Tea on the other side of the parking lot. I had lychee bubble tea, yummy!

I skipped out on Sinferno having partied hard the previous night and knowing that my fav gogo would not be there. Instead, I sat in my man-cave and watched the Olympics late into the night. By the way, NBC is streaming more than 2000 hours of Olympic events that you won't see on television. Random sports like field hockey, handball, badminton, archery, and judo. Those sports usually stream live at night and thru early morning if you want to check it out.
And that pretty much brings me to this moment. Monday afternoon. My soup is gone. My watermelon is gone. My Mike's...half gone. How is it that I get buzzed on Mike's so easily? I think it's the sugar. That stuff's like alcoholic Kool-Aid!
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