Sunday, May 4, 2008

two: we are the dead of night

I saw Gooferman at Devil's Point last night. I saw them at Dante's in March and enjoyed them so much that I decided to see them again...and again. I'm gonna see them again tonite at Dante's. I had never been to Devil's Point and wasn't sure I was in the right place when I got there because the stage was so small - about 15'x15'. In various incarnations, Gooferman may include up to 15 performers. So, I called Jon to look up the info on "the intrawebz." Sure enough, I was at the right place. The band was late, which added to my confusion as I had expected musical instruments to be on the stage when I got there. Instead, the stage was rather "bare." Anyway, I had heard that the stage at Devil's Point can be seen well from anywhere in the bar. They were right and I wasn't disappointed. I had a great view of Gooferman, which took the form of four musicians on this particular night.

Tonite is the birthday of Gooferman's frontman. Should be a great show. I'll let you know how that goes.

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