Sunday, December 14, 2008

Terrible Lie

This is coming a bit late. Whatever.

Last week was the long-awaited Nine Inch Nails concert at the Rose Garden. I was not interested in the opening band, so I wasn't worried about getting there on time. Doors were to open at 7p with the show starting at 8p. I got there at 9p and ended up missing the first couple NIN songs. Oh, well. Though, I do wonder how loud the croud was when NIN took the stage.

Nine Inch Nails

The visuals were stunning. I've showed some of you NIN's stage lights. If you haven't seen it, I insist you check it out here. It's 5 minutes well spent. As the final stop of this year's tour, this was also Josh Freese's last show with the band. I'm so glad I got a chance to see him perform. He is a drum master.

Large shows usually end early, presumably to allow adequate time for tear-down and clean up as bands need to get their gear to the next night's venue for another show. NIN ended at 11p and I made a quick exit so I could catch one last Sinferno...again. I know I said the previous week was my last Sinferno, but I lied. And I'd be getting ready to go again right now if it weren't for some snow.

1 comment:

JeannéJuliet said...

I should have known you had a blogger. Sounds like the NIN concert was awesome. Trent Reznor is freaken hot for an old guy.