I'm not really in a blogging mood. But it's pretty boring here right about now, so...
Yesterday was Halloween. Shaun drove to Idaho to visit the wifey and bring back some of her things as she'll be finishing her studies (and having a baby) next month. Shaun didn't pick up any candy because he figured he'd be gone. My instructions were to scare the children away or turn off the lights and hide. I chose neither, picking up $7 worth of candy. The good stuff. Chocolate. None of that tootsie rolls and raisins crap. Seven dollars actually got me quite a bit of candy. I got one bag each of Take 5, Crunch, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Butterfinger. Enough to fill up my bowl twice. Even so, the candy was gone by 8:30p.
Having spent the first part of the evening in the kitchen watching TV, tinkering on the computer, and listening for the doorbell, I decided to go out. I didn't find out until earlier that day, but Towne Lounge was closing their doors for good and one of my favorite local bands (New York Rifles) was playing. That's right, the green lamp, a beacon for Portland hipsters, glows no more.
Czar were first. They were really good. Then was New York Rifles. Last was Royal Houser. But looking around Towne Lounge, I realized that Halloween is a holiday for groups and couples. And as the nite progressed, I began to get a bit downcast. I only lasted 15 minutes into the final set before I felt it was time to go home. At least I have Shaun's dogs here with me. They're such good company right now, both sleeping silently across the room.
lemme see...Circling back to yesterday, I worked a half day at a private practice. I had 4 patients scheduled and saw only 3. The doctor did leave after my first patient. It was kinda nice being the only doctor there. I don't know if that reflects antisocially on me or if I'm enjoying independence. Oh, well. Whatever. Nevermind.
That's about it. The only thing I had planned for today was to renew my library books...and I did that yesterday.

illustrations stolen from Towne Lounge's myspace
addendum (5:53p): i just got word that my friend, Derek, just had a baby girl. well, not him...his wife. whatever. congrats, dude. go get some sleep.
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