Tuesday, May 6, 2008

four: can ya dig it

Well, I made it. Four concerts in four nights. Tonite's show at Ash Street Saloon was maybe the best of the four. Or maybe tied with the first (Another Cynthia, Tiger City, VHS Or Beta). Like usual, I got there early. I got my pick of seats. After about 10 minutes of sitting in a near empty room, Linda Strawberry walks by me and takes a seat at the next table. She's a big celebrity in my mind, but really a relatively unknown entertainer. She has performed with the Pumpkins and toured with Billy on his solo tour. So I wanna look, but I don't wanna stare. And I don't want her to see me looking. That's embarrassing. She is very fan-friendly, so I've seen chat video, etc. You know what? In real life, she's just like she is online!

First, the main act (The Red Paintings) do their sound check. Because they're the first to appear on stage and I'm there to see Linda, I forget that Linda is the opening act. Initially, I'm surprised when she gets on stage and begins her set. Silly me. She plays 7-ish songs, new and old. After her set, she leaves the stage and talks to people about 15 feet away. So I take my turn and chat a few moments and pose for a couple pics. And I ask her about my CD which I ordered from her several weeks ago. I had been hoping to have it by tonite so she could sign it. She's surprised I haven't received it yet and asks for my contact info so she can make sure I get one - she's almost run out and they will not be made again.

With Linda Strawberry

The break is really short and The Red Paintings take the stage. They have changed into some fantastic costumes that take me by surprise. The music is pretty good, but the best part is the people on ground level on either side of the stage painting as they play music. The final paintings were impressive. One was done by Linda Strawberry. We were told that the other was a local artist, but she has an Australian accent like the band, so I don't know.

That was my night. First time at Ash Street Saloon. I liked it. And this show got over the earliest of any of the four concerts - 12:30. Good night!

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