To better reflect the changing content of this blog, the title has been updated.
Today I went to Men's Wearhouse and bought a suit for the upcoming graduation banquet (and future optometry meetings). I stopped by the hair stylist for a trim on the sides and back, but the wait was too long. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow (now today). They tend to be less busy on weekdays. Another reason I like having Monday off. I dried and marinated some tofu for baking. I didn't bake it today, but will tomorrow. Yummy.
I just got back from my weekly trip to Dante's. Saw a wonderful pop-punk trio called The Dollyrots. Bought one of their CDs ("Because I'm Awesome"). Got to meet the lead singer. I expressed my appreciation for a job well done and she reciprocated with free stickers and a hug. Lucky me because she's one of Blender's Hottest Women of Rock. Speaking of hot women...
I got to the bar early enough to take a seat. Each table seats four, but I was alone. I turned my back to the three empty seats so that others would realize they were available. At some point, three young women took those seats. Just as The Dollyrots were going on, one tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I would save their seats while they went to the other side and had a smoke. Even offered me a drink. My first thought: "Aren't I the one supposed to be offering drinks?" My second thought: "Drinks at bars can be stupidly expensive." I've put down $8 for a drink including tip. The cocktail waitresses there are great and I don't mind shelling out a couple bucks tip...but $6 for a scotch that's less than tasty? I'll try Laphroaig next time, on Jon's recommendation.
Anyway, I declined the drink but agreed to watch their chairs, of course. They offered a couple more times this evening, but I was content to enjoy the show sober and be my own designated driver.
And making a large circle back to the subject of hot women...Of the three, I spent the most time talking with the best looking. She's married, so it was just good (sober) conversation. She was designated driver. The seemingly available girl was also cute, though not as cute as the first. She was quiet just like I am. I talked the least with her. And the third was pretty average, though it seemed she was trying to compensate for her average face with her poppin' cleavage! She was pretty wasted, which always makes for interesting conversation. She even asked me to dance, which I declined. Primarily because I'm not a dancer. And largely because she stood up to ask someone else to dance and asked me instead as an afterthought. BURN!!!
That said, it was nice to make conversation with someone. It was super low pressure, since I had no intention of making anything more than polite conversation with the three from Colorado.
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