Saturday, May 10, 2008

each night is better than the last

Last night after work, I went with the rest of my clinic group to the house of one of our professors. It was a beautiful house. I had no idea that Forest Grove had a neighborhood like that. Beautiful wood and other furnishings. No expense spared. A $25K deck. A piano just for decoration. A wonderful collection of rare antique phonographs. A living space downstairs for the kids that includes an antique slot machine and two vintage jukeboxes (1940's) in complete working order. Large kitchen. My classmate Tariq made dinner - steak, corn, and curly fries (classy!). We had a few beers. And by a few, I mean the five of us men went through 20 beers and 3 bottles of wine. We talked until 1:00a about all kinds of stuff. Good quality man stuff - travel, politics, women, racism. Race is an easy (and lighthearted) topic among my clinic group. We are: Indian, Japanese, Hawaiian, Filipino, Korean, Canadian, and American! Our self-imposed nickname is Team U.N.

Rolin stopped drinking early enough that he was fine to drive us back. We all crashed at Dan's house. I woke up at 7:00a and drove home to Hillsboro to get ready for work back in Forest Grove.

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