Thursday, February 28, 2008

I turn to ruins past and home

So, I'm home now. I split my time between the Forest Grove, Hillsboro, and Downtown Portland clinics. 2 days primary care, 1 day vision therapy, 0.5 day contact lens, 0.5 day pediatrics, 0.5 day low vision, 0.5 day ocular disease and special testing.

I finally got a new hard drive for my laptop. It's up and running. Quite a chore reinstalling software - operating system, MS Office, Anti-virus, drivers, etc. I've been using my old desktop (WindowsME). Now that my laptop is running, I can get on Messenger again.

1 comment:

Ethan said...

It seems like ages ago when I was on internal rotation. I feel for you. It would be so hard for me to go back. However, it is nice that you don't have to make 2 1400 mile trips in the space of 2 weeks. Dang NBEO. What were they thinking? AAARRGHHH!

Well, there you go. Now it's off my chest.

Good luck. Who are your attendings?